

Skins of Humanity - Mascha Mioni at the Aarbergerhus, Ligerz/Berne Art-Textile at the Aarbergerhus

From October 23 to November 2, 2008, Mascha Mioni, Verena Welten von Arb, Manuela Krinzinger, Ursula Rutishauser, Monika Gasser and Lilli Krakenberger show their Art at the Aarbergerhus/Ligerz. The theme "body wraps" was interpeted very extensive: Apparel as an autonomous piece of art in space, not attached to a body. Ligerz is where Elsi Giauque (1900-1989) lived. The pioneer of textile art, who was inspired by the Bauhaus was successor of Sophie Täuber-Arp.

The art critic Marianne Mitttelholzer writes about "Skins of Humanity":
"...Die Wortbilder enthalten Satzskelette, die die Künstlerin in den letzten zwei Jahren tagebuchartig aufgezeichnet hat. Wie das Kleid den Körper umhüllt, umschweben die niedergeschriebenen Gedanken den Geist des Menschen. ..."
Gedanken zu Hüllen des Menschseins - erschienen im Kunstmagazin futuro

"...The "word-pictures" contain skeletons of sentences which the artist has collected in her diary for the last two years. In the same way that a dress floats around the human body, the written thoughts hover around the mind of a human being. ..."

(webmasters translation)